How do we support children with SEND?

At Newington Community Primary School, we will provide your child with high quality teaching which is adapted to meet the needs of all our learners. We strive to identify and remove barriers to       learning to allow every child  to reach their true potential.

We follow the advice in the Mainstream Core Standards, on how to adapt the curriculum and the learning environment for pupils with special educational needs. 

This includes:

  • Identifying the needs of SEND pupils on a provision map. This highlights all support given within school and is reviewed regularly and changes made as needed, so that the needs of children are met, and resources are deployed as effectively as possible. (All children with EHCP’s will have a personalised plan)
  • Support staff, under the direction of the class teacher, adapting planning to support the needs of your child where necessary;
  • Specific resources and strategies being used to support your child individually and in groups;
  • Planning and teaching being adapted, on a daily basis if needed, to meet your child’s learning needs;
  • Individual timetables being created for those pupils with severe and complex needs
  • Pupil progress being monitored termly and data formally shared with parents and carers at Parents' Evenings.  The SENCO or the class teacher may also contact you if we have a                 concern about any aspect of your child's development.

Our staff are dedicated and have been trained to support children with a variety of additional needs including Autism spectrum condition and speech and language difficulties.  Wherever necessary we provide additional interventions for groups or individuals that are carefully tailored to fit the need; including: Speech and Language interventions, sensory circuits, precision teaching, FIZZY programme, social skills groups, zones of regulation and THRIVE.

Click on the links below to find out more about:

Communcation and Interaction

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Cognition and Learning

Physical and Sensory