A Physical Education curriculum which is inclusive and provides opportunities to develop fundamental skills to improve pupils' physical literacy.

May be an image of 8 people and people standingMay be an image of child and standingMay be an image of one or more people, people playing sport, people standing and outdoors

At Newington Community Primary School, we believe that it is vital to offer a broad and balanced PE curriculum from games to swimming, giving our pupils many opportunities to experience all areas of Physical Education. This allows pupils to widen their understanding as well as the improvement of their physical, emotional, social and mental development. Physical Education gives all pupils the opportunity to practise, experiment, solve problems and make decisions to improve their performance. Teamwork is a vital part of Physical Education and allows pupils to cultivate their ability to communicate effectively, learn to cooperate with others and to develop their leadership skills. However, there is also the opportunity to develop their ability to work alone and use their own initiative to solve problems and be creative. We aim to develop every pupil’s knowledge, skills and competence within PE so that they can excel in a range of sporting activities in and outside of school. All pupils take part in competitive sport from Intra House competitions to competing against other schools locally in a range of different sports.

Subject Policy

Our PE Policy can be viewed here.

Subject Overview:

ncps pe overview.pdf

Progression Overviews

Term 1:

term 1 pe progression framework.pdf

Term 2:

term 2 pe progression framework.pdf

 Term 3:

term 3 pe progression framework.pdf