Physical and/or Sensory 

We are an inclusive school and have an increasing number of children that we currently provide additional and/or different support for a range of physical (medical) and or sensory needs.

We provide a range of different provisions/support/resources to support the needs of these children, these include:

  • The school is fully compliant with DDA requirements;
  • The school is on ground level with easy access, double doors and ramps;
  • The front desk is wheel-chair height and is DDA compliant;
  • There is a designated care suite with a newly installed electric ceiling hoist and additional disabled toilet facilities;
  • We ensure where ever possible that equipment used is accessible to all children regardless of their needs;
  • After-school provision is accessible to all children, including those with SEND;
  • Extra-curricular activities are accessible for children with SEND;
  • a medical room;
  • a sensory room;
  • all classrooms have been carpeted to improve acoustics for hearing impairments;
  • 1:1 support (Funding dependant);
  • Adaptive resources;
  • Assistive technology;
  • FIZZY programme, including OT/PT programmes;
  • Sensory Circuits;
  • Full time Medical Officer;
  • All staff working with any child with a physical/medical need will receive the appropriate training necessary to support the individual needs of the child in school;
  • 12 members of staff across the school, who are fully trained in Paediatric First Aid;
  • 13 members of staff across the school, who are fully trained in Emergency Paediatric First Aid;
  • EYFS staff level 1 Makaton trained;
  • Access arrangements;
  • Individual PEEPS– Emergency evacuation plans for all staff, children and visitors with specific accessibility difficulties.

Our full time Medical Officer, Sharon Robb, is fully trained in Paediatric First Aid training as well as numerous other medical conditions including diabetes, PEG, . Her role is to ensure any child with a medical need is safe and well supported in school. This will include meetings with parents/carers, medical professionals to devise a suitable care plan or health care plan (NB appropriate medical evidence will need to be provided to school) and risk assessments. These will be reviewed annually and it is the parent/carers responsibility to ensure school is fully aware of any physical/medical needs that may impact their child.