Teaching our pupils to read with fluency and comprehension is at the backbone of our provision.
At Newington Community Primary School, teaching our pupils to read is at the backbone of our provision. Our reading provision is designed to allow pupils to rapidly develop in their reading, to be able to:
- Decode, accurately and rapidly, using their knowledge of phonics and learning how to blend sounds
- Read fluently
- Comprehend what they are reading
In EYFS and Key Stage 1, the Read Write Inc. phonics programme is used to develop pupils in the three elements above. Once pupils can decode accurately and rapidly, in Year 2 to Year 6, pupils develop their fluency and comprehension.
Decoding, accurately and rapidly
We use the Read, Write, Inc. phonics programme to:
- decode letter-sound correspondences quickly and effortlessly, using their phonic knowledge and skills
- read ‘tricky’ words on sight
- understand what they read
- read aloud with fluency and expression
(In addition to writing skills- see Writing Policy)
Reading Fluently
Reading fluently begin through the our Read Write Inc phonics provision in EYFS and KS1, and this continues from Year 2 to Year 6 through shared reading lessons, 1:1 reading with adults at school, home reading, and reading across the curriculum.
Fluent reading supports reading comprehension. When pupils read fluently, their cognitive resources can be redirected from focusing on decoding and onto comprehending the text. For this reason, fluency is sometimes described as a bridge from word recognition to comprehension.
Reading fluency is defined as reading with:
- accuracy
- automaticity
- prosody
Reading with accuracy, is reading words correctly, including accurate decoding and word recognition, and enables automaticity and prosody to develop.
Reading with automaticity, is reading words automatically, which requires reading accuracy, enables an age appropriate reading speed and allows reading to ‘feel effortless’.
Reading with prosody is reading with appropriate stress and intonation, including a variation in volume, phrasing, smoothness and pace, and means that the reader sounds interested and engaged.
Reading comprehension begin through the our Read Write Inc phonics provision in EYFS and KS1, and then continues from Year 2 to Year 6 through shared reading lessons, 1:1 reading with adults at school, home reading- supported by Accelerated Reader comprehension quizzes, and reading across the curriculum.
Reading comprehension strategies focus on the learners’ understanding of written text.
Successful reading comprehension approaches allow activities to be carefully tailored to pupils’ reading capabilities, and involve activities and texts that provide an effective, but not overwhelming, challenge.
Subject Policy
Our Reading Policy can be viewed here.
Our RWI Policy can be viewed here.