Special Educational Needs and Disability
Our vision is to ensure that every child’s needs are meet in a happy, safe and nurturing environment where they achieve success, be valued and develop self belief and confidence.
At Newington Community Primary School, we embrace the fact that every child is different, and, therefore, the educational needs of every child are different; this is certainly the case for children with Special Educational Needs.
We are an inclusive school and currently provide additional and/or different support for a range of needs including:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
- Sensory and Physical Needs.
Our SENCO is Mrs Suzanne Legge and our Assistant SENCO and Early Years SENCO is Mrs Gemma Powell.
Worried about your child?
If you have concerns about your child, please speak to the class teacher initially. This can be done by asking to speak to them at the end of the day or sending a message via ‘Seesaw’.
If you have any questions about new or ongoing external assessments or statutory paperwork and would like to speak to the SENCO, please contact via email s.legge@newington-ramsgate.kent.sch.uk or telephone the main office on 01843 593412.